Antimicrobial Masterbatches:
Sri Vasavi Pigments offer a unique, ecofriendly, nonhazardous antimicrobial masterbatch which is effective against a wide range of microbes like bacteria, virus, fungi and algae and prevents microbial contamination on surfaces of non-transparent and opaque polymers.
Active Ingredient : Micro-silver & other bio-controlling compounds
Preventive Hygiene Technology: Silver based technology that provides exceptional antimicrobial protection for plastics.
Our technical staff and in-house facilities of analytical & testing laboratories will support to provide solutions for product design & manufacanture requirements.
Sri Vasavi Pigments offer complete range of masterbatches for all thermo plastics.
Testing of Plastic:
ISO 21702:2019 for measurement of Antiviral activity with MS2 Bacteriophage as a surrogate virus in place of Picornaviruses such as Poliovirus and human Norovirus, with Host Cell Escherichia Coli 15597. With 0.3% of the ingredient in the specimen, virus is reduced by 99.98% within 2hours of inoculation. MS2 Bacteriophage is also used as a surrogate virus for SARS-Cov-2, which is nothing but the Covid-19.
ASTM G21 for Anti-Fungal Property with test organisms of a mixed spore suspension of Aspergillus Niger ATCC 9642, Penicillium funicolosum ATCC 11797, Gliocladium virens ATCC 9645, Chaetobium globosum ATCC 6205 and Aurobasidium pullulans ATCC 15233. No fungal growth is noticed at the end of 28days of incubation.
JIS Z 2801 for antibacterial property with Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 bacteria in test inoculum.
Microbial kill rate is found to be >99.99% after 24hour of inoculation.
ASTM G29 for Algae Resistant Property with test algae of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Scenedesmus abundans (1:1). No growth of algae is
noticed with 4weeks of incubation period.
USFDA 21 CFR Part 177.1520 Clause (a) 1(i) for suitability to food contact applications and the soluble/extractible fraction is found to be
0.22% (Limit:5.5%) in n-Hexane and 2.38% (Limit: 11.3%) in n-Xylene